99 N. Main Street • Biglerville, PA 17307


Impact Community Ministry

Upper Adams Food Pantry

2nd and 4th Monday Each Month W/ Soup Kitchen Meal
3rd Wednesday at noon: Food Pick-up Only

Community Involvement

Many local business donate food and other items to bring blessing to all those in need. Many non-profits take turns preparing the Soup Kitchen meal. Cash donation from foundations and local merchants along with the Giving Spree provides funding. All volunteer work to serve God. 100% of all food and donation goes to fund the Food Pantry.

Canner Football Ministry

Our involvement with the Varsity Football Team is A Tremendous Seed Planting Mission. We provide a hot meals for the Varsity Games. A few times we send a packed meal because of the distance. The meals are prepared by our Ladies Group from Centenary and Idaville Global Methodist Churches. The food for the meal is donated by businesses and church members.Pastor Gary plants seed with his words of hope each and every game. Pastor is also the chaplin for the Biglerville Canner team. Pastor also helps to coach as an assistant.

Canner Team

The team helps us to collect food at Kennie’s market in August. This is a meet the team and coach event. The canners also volunteer as servers for our Live-Alone-Dinner in December each year.

5th Quarter Celebration

Centenary & Idaville with help from the South Mountain Charge celebrate the Canners with 5th Quarter Celebration at the Centenary Parking Lot following all home games. We provide safe fun for the students and their parents. We provide Christian Music, Hot Dogs, Pizza, and lots of cookies and snacks. Thanks to the donations from our community its gets better and grows each year.

Live Alone Dinner

We provide a Christmas meal, entertainment and some fun events as we provide a meal for those that live alone. The group shares with old friends, and meet some new at this event. The Football Team serves our guests. Both Idaville and Centenary provides the cooking of this complete Christmas Dinner.

Movie Night Fellowship

We show recent spiritual movie’s and we bring a dish for our Potluck Meal. We host in fellowship hall because of the large screen TV that is available. This is bring a friend event. The community is invited to attend. We have 6-8 movie nights each year.

Revival On The Farm

This is our fourth year. This event is held on a farm close to Hampton, Pa. We have 12-15 churches of many different denomination’s host the event. It’s always the first Sunday in June and continue for the three evening following the Sunday kick-off. We have prayer tents, children programs, baptisms, and the invitation to come to the cross and make Jesus the Lord of your life. A different pastor each night provides the message from God. God’s revival ministry continues to grow each year. All the offerings are donated to 4 different local charities.

Community Blood Drive

We hold Blood Drives in Fellowship Hall @ Centenary in May and November of each year. This is hosted by the Central Pa. Blood Bank with all the blood donated being used in our local area.

Adopt A Family

We provide unwrapped gifts to children 0-12 in Adams County that will have a Christmas with no gift due to financial hardships. Last year we provided gifts to 425 children that otherwise would not have smiles on Christmas morning when they open gifts and realize they are loved by God always.

Wish List

Teenage children to have a chance in life need a loving home and an opportunity to have a successful education road to have a purpose to make their mark on this world. The Methodist Home in Mechanicsburg provides a home and an A+ education opportunity for those that otherwise would be lost in a world of lost opportunities. We provide items on the Wish List to help provide the items they need that are not provided due to minimum funding.

Mission Central

Founded by the Methodist denomination. Located in Mechanicsburg. Provide money and supplies for all emergency events involving people here and around the world.

Children Of East Africa

Missionary Sam Childers continues to fight the rebels in South Sedan. He continues his ministry of building orphanages for the children to provide safety and education for their future. Machine Gun Preacher risks his life each day to spread Jesus love to children. Giving them a chance at life.We have Safe Sanctuary policies and training. Police clearance and Child clearance for anyone that works with children. This policy includes protection to the elderly also.
We have Defib’s one downstairs and one upstairs at Centenary. Training is available. We never know when these life-saving machine will be needed.Doors are locked when no events are scheduled. We also have someone that carries a weapon. We hope it is never needed.Centenary is Handicap Accessible. With ramps provided for the lower level and upper level. Stair Chair is provided for access inside to move from lower level to upper lever.

Special Ministry

Life-Skills Class –We provide an area in the church for the High School Life Skills Class to meet. They had an apartment set-up in the space so they learn to be independent when finishing school. They also learn how to cook and use the kitchen. They provide cleaning for the church.

Emergency Funds For The Oppressed — We provide Gas Card for those attending the Food Pantry .We provide quick cash for those that needs are small. We also provide funds up to $150 for needs for rent, water bills, repairs for a car, medicine, etc. Larger requests must be approved by the board.

Cluster Ministry —-We work together with our sister churches. We have join ministry with York Springs Global and Mt. Victory Global. During lent the Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday Sunrise Service is a join service with York Springs and Upper Adams. Worship Services combine these three congregations.

Sweetheart Dinner — The men cook a special meal for their sweetheart. The meal is prepared with appetizers, a main course, and desserts. Special entertain by the men brings much laughter.

World-Wide Community Lunch —- First Sunday in October we have a join service with a brunch, and Worship with Communion in the Sanctuary.

Jesus’ Birthday Party —The First Sunday of Advent. We have a Worship time in fellowship hall, followed by a Pot-Luck brunch with gift exchange and fun activities.

Summer Outdoor Service —Our hosts the Wagner’s live adjacent to the church. We have an outdoor worship service by the pool. At the conclusion we have a cook-out meal, and then games and swimming. The event is always held in the latter part of August.

Our Vision For The Future—-To Make A Lasting Difference In Your Community And In The World With God’s Guidance.
Contact Pastor Gary: Call me @ 717-574-5639 or email me @ garyfanus8@gmail.com